Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Using games to learn italian

           Computers are a great technology to use while teaching a language. They offer a student many different creative ways to learn a  language while having fun. There are many websites that offer games to help learn Italian which I believe can be very beneficial to students. Here's a creative website I wanted to share with everyone that uses games to teach Italian.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4


      I chose this particular lesson plan because I feel like it is a creative way to have students learn new adjectives. Students are not only learning new grammar and vocabulary, but they are learning them in a way that they can also express themselves as an individual. They are using computers to draw pictures of certain adjectives. Having the students become involved in a lesson allows them to be interested and want to learn. 
          I do not believe that there are any gaps in the lesson plan between the curriculum goals, teaching strategies and technologies used. The lesson plan has a good flow to it. It starts off with a teacher led student discussion that gives an introduction to the lesson. Then it continues to have the students individually work and practice what they have learned. The teacher decided to allow students to draw pictures on a computer to practice the new words that they have learned. I believe that choosing a computer was a great idea because it gives students the ability to be creative while learning which is very important. 
         I believe that students become very interested in a lesson when a certain technology is involved. Using a computer interests students because they have fun when using one. Making a lesson fun for students is important because it causes students to want to learn. As a teacher, you want your students to be interested in what you are trying to teach them. Finding  a way to incorporate fun while also successfully teaching a lesson can be a challenging thing to do as a teacher, but if you achieve that you will ultimately be successful.