I have found this integration matrix to be very useful in learning how to incorporate technology with a lesson plan. I have realized that there are many ways to add certain technologies in your classroom everyday. The most important thing is to realize that it depends on what you are trying to teach your students. In my lesson plan, I decided that one of the most important things for my students to use is an online dictionary. This tool helps the students find out the meaning of many words that were not covered in the lecture. This gives them a wide range of vocabulary to use when it comes time to present their information to the class.
Another technology that comes in handy in my lesson plan is the use of powerpoint.This is beneficial for both the teacher as well as the students in many ways. One way is that in the beginning of the lesson when the teacher is lecturing about the topic, using a power point presentation can help the students keep us with what the teacher is saying. it also allows the teacher to sum up key words about the topic that is being taught. This helps the students organize their notes in a very functional way
Power point is also very helpful when it comes time to have the students present information. It is a way to organize what they are about to present in a neat way so that the other students can understand clearly what is being presented. It also allows the students to add images and videos to help make their point on what is being presented.
The purpose of my lesson plan was to help them gain more conversation skills by learning a wider range of vocabulary such as the weather. I believe that practice is a key component in learning vocabulary words as well as conversation skills. The use of certain tools such as wimba is a great way to have the students practice speaking orally. They can write down what they want to say and then continue to record what their conversation. This tool allows the students to go back and listen to their recording so that they can see the areas that they need to improve in. This is beneficial for students because they might not always know someone who speaks the target language. This allows them to practice without having to have someone else be there with them.
In conclusion, I believe that all the technologies that I was able to integrate into my lesson plan are very beneficial to students. They are able to use computers for many things such as internet, computer programs etc. The internet provides students with endless opportunities for research and advancement in learning the target language as well as the target culture. Technology can help students learn at a much faster rate allowing them to learn more than they would normally learn without technology. It is important for teachers to learn how to properly integrate certain technologies in the classroom to benefit their students.
This assignments has taught me how to properly integrate technolgy in a lesson plan. I believe that I will use the skills learned in this class in my future classrooms. It is important for every teacher to take a class similar to this one to help them become successful teachers!
I agree Melissa, creating this Matrix was really helpful with organizing everything for a unit plan. It helped to lay it all out and make the connections needed for a successful unit plan. It validated the standards used and I really see myself using this in the future. Great job on this final submission.